Thursday, August 6, 2009

PeeR pReSsuRe

One negative peer pressure that happened to me was when some of my classmates talked to me about cheating. I felt bad about doing it because my adviser that time gave me her trust and I really didn't want to do it. Though I turned them down about me cheating, I felt glad but disappointed of my classmates. I realized that if those classmates of mine were really my friends, they would not take advantage or use me to pass their subjects. And besides, it's not my loss because I have given all my effort in studying and worked hard in achieving high grades. In the end, though I did not have an academic award, I did get "Best in Computer". And after my classmates got angry for not letting them copy my paper, they spreaded bad rumors about me. My "real" friends told me to ignore it because they already knew who I am and what they told about me was just something to laugh at bacause none of it is true.


A responsible person, for me, is mature and knows how to act and control him/herself. But I think that I am that responsible because sometimes I tend to forget doing some of it and acting foolish. My responsibility at home is to help do the chores and take care of my sister. But since I am a bit busy now that I am college, I am having a hard time doing some of it. At school, I have to do my assignments, projects, or activities that are tasked to us. I have to study hard. In our community, my responsibility is to help clean the surroundings. Which now I definitely have no time to do because of classes.

Monday, August 3, 2009

"Honesty" is the Best Policy

The challenge I took for honesty is the challenge to tell the truth. I told my parents that I'm failing my Drawing subject. I felt guilty because my parents were disappointed and they told me that if I repeat it, it would become difficult for me. They asked me if I can still manage to take the course and I said "yes". I realized that its better to tell them the truth that to find out about it later and end up being scolded.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Self- Evaluation: My Personal Health

My personal health is fair for me but there is still a need to develop some of it though. It is best that I must give importance to my health because poor health might pull me down to accomplish doing the tasks that I need to do. I plan to maintain my good practices in developing good health habits, not only in terms of physical, but also in emotional, enviroment and relation. Exercise, eating healthy foods and/or maintaining taking vitamins, good relations with other people and disciplined act in our enviroment are some simple but helpful ways to develop and maintain my health.

"An Inconvinient Truth"

"Did the Earth betray us or did we betray the Earth??..."

The Inconvenient Truth speaks about the possibilities of dreadful phenomenons that can happen to our planet Earth. Exaggerated or not, it is a "wake-up" call that NOW is the right time to act. It is very illuminative in a way that it shows evidence of the current abnormality in the weather. The most striking part of this movie was how little by little the Earth is completely changing.Tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes that has caused death on thousands of people. It was really horrible to watch. Just an instant, your life is taken away from you. It makes me realize of how important it really is now to save the Earth. Progress is not bad in a way that it is helping us but it must also be applied on our enviroment in a way that it will not harm it. For example, we must use enviromental friendly disposable things. We must conserve water. We must recycle, reuse and reduce trash. We must conserve energy that may be harmful on our enviroment. We must practice good trash habits. But it would have been better if the guy who invented water that can be converted to car fuels was supported. This way, pollution is lessened.


I challenged myself to submit a quality assignment and requirement on NSTP. I was able to beat the challenge. I feel relieved and glad because I knew that we were going to be scolded if we did not pass that requirement. It is important that we do things in time so that we will not rush ourselves and the end up failing to do the task. It is important to succeed in simple tasks so that we can develop ourselves to succeed in other challenges. Thank God I passed it on time because our teacher was disappointed and mad when he found out that some of classmates are not able to pass.

The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished

The most challenging thing I have accomplish is maybe being able to swim the different types of strokes in my swimming class at my high school. I admit that I am a bit afraid of water. Well, not really, its just that I hate diving in deep waters. And on our swimming lesson there is this after every session, we have to dive. The water was 6 feet and I am nowhere that high in my height, but because we have to do it or else I'll fail, I had no choice. My first diving was so bad. I thought that I was alraedy at the middle where I can catch my breath but found out I was nowhere near it. I panisked and almost drowned. It was a good thing my tallest classmate was asked by our teacher to guide the petite ones. She helped me by pulling me out of the deep part. But there was this time when I found out that my grades on P.E was not so good so I had to take swimming seriuosly and face that deep water. Luckily, I was able to get better grades on the next two quarters of my P.E. And atlast, I know the different storkes and I can conquer fear on deep waters.