Thursday, August 6, 2009

PeeR pReSsuRe

One negative peer pressure that happened to me was when some of my classmates talked to me about cheating. I felt bad about doing it because my adviser that time gave me her trust and I really didn't want to do it. Though I turned them down about me cheating, I felt glad but disappointed of my classmates. I realized that if those classmates of mine were really my friends, they would not take advantage or use me to pass their subjects. And besides, it's not my loss because I have given all my effort in studying and worked hard in achieving high grades. In the end, though I did not have an academic award, I did get "Best in Computer". And after my classmates got angry for not letting them copy my paper, they spreaded bad rumors about me. My "real" friends told me to ignore it because they already knew who I am and what they told about me was just something to laugh at bacause none of it is true.

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