Sunday, August 2, 2009

"An Inconvinient Truth"

"Did the Earth betray us or did we betray the Earth??..."

The Inconvenient Truth speaks about the possibilities of dreadful phenomenons that can happen to our planet Earth. Exaggerated or not, it is a "wake-up" call that NOW is the right time to act. It is very illuminative in a way that it shows evidence of the current abnormality in the weather. The most striking part of this movie was how little by little the Earth is completely changing.Tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes that has caused death on thousands of people. It was really horrible to watch. Just an instant, your life is taken away from you. It makes me realize of how important it really is now to save the Earth. Progress is not bad in a way that it is helping us but it must also be applied on our enviroment in a way that it will not harm it. For example, we must use enviromental friendly disposable things. We must conserve water. We must recycle, reuse and reduce trash. We must conserve energy that may be harmful on our enviroment. We must practice good trash habits. But it would have been better if the guy who invented water that can be converted to car fuels was supported. This way, pollution is lessened.

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