Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished

The most challenging thing I have accomplish is maybe being able to swim the different types of strokes in my swimming class at my high school. I admit that I am a bit afraid of water. Well, not really, its just that I hate diving in deep waters. And on our swimming lesson there is this after every session, we have to dive. The water was 6 feet and I am nowhere that high in my height, but because we have to do it or else I'll fail, I had no choice. My first diving was so bad. I thought that I was alraedy at the middle where I can catch my breath but found out I was nowhere near it. I panisked and almost drowned. It was a good thing my tallest classmate was asked by our teacher to guide the petite ones. She helped me by pulling me out of the deep part. But there was this time when I found out that my grades on P.E was not so good so I had to take swimming seriuosly and face that deep water. Luckily, I was able to get better grades on the next two quarters of my P.E. And atlast, I know the different storkes and I can conquer fear on deep waters.

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